Meet the District Governor
Paul Fugate
District Governor of MD 9EC – Iowa
Paul is a member of the Mount Vernon Club. Paul started as a Leo in 2007 and becoming a Lion in 2009. Paul works at the Mount Vernon Community School District and I love my job! I like to travel and I also love to play board games.
I’d like to first say thank you for being a Lion! Your service helps those who truly need it, and you make a difference in the world! My theme this year is ROAR! My fellow Lions it’s time to get our ROAR back! Roar means we are going to be a leader not just in our association but in our communities, we serve in. One of my service goals this year is to
have 90% of clubs in the district report on MyLion. I know we can do this. When I visit your club I am more than happy to bring my computer along and help you input your service into MyLion. Thank you for reading this!